The Lord is with you


‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭1:1‬ ‭ – “And Solomon the son of David was strengthened in his kingdom, and the Lord his God was with him, and magnified him exceedingly.”

Solomon had some big shoes to fill after his father’s demise. David was known to be a man after God’s own heart, and he had accomplished a lot during his rule as king. When Solomon took up the reins, he was of course hesitant. But he knew whom he needed to turn to. When God asked Solomon what he wanted, Solomon only asked for wisdom to follow God’s plan for the Israelites.

God answered Solomon’s prayer and made him wiser than anybody else who had lived till then. The verse above tells us that God was with Solomon and magnified him exceedingly. The same God who was with Solomon is with us now. When Jesus came to the earth, He became our Immanuel – God with us.

When Jesus departed to heaven, He gave us the Holy Spirit to lead, teach, guide, correct, comfort and counsel us. The day we accepted Jesus as the Lord of our lives, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in us. God Himself is with us; what more do we need? Just as God strengthened Solomon and magnified him, God will exalt us too when we humbly lay aside our agendas and follow Him wholeheartedly.

Prayer: Father, thank you for the gift of Your Holy Spirit. May I never forget that you are with me always; therefore, I have nothing to fear. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
