The Lord Repays and Rewards


The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge. Ruth 2:12

The book of Ruth exhibits an inspiring reference to how God can turn a hopeless situation into a glorious one. The story begins in hardship, with the famine and the deaths of Naomi’s husband and sons. Later, the events unfolded, leading Ruth to become the great-grandmother of David, Israel’s most celebrated king.

Ruth’s life exhibited admirable qualities in this story. She was the epitome of love and loyalty, kind, faithful, brave, and a woman of noble character. These qualities earned her a good reputation. This verse (Ruth 2:12) unveils a prayerful blessing from Boaz to Ruth, the reflection of divine favour and refuge under the wings of God.

Are you weary and tired of being faithful? Sometimes, we may feel that our efforts and faithfulness have not been noticed by anyone. Do not lose hope. Just as Ruth was unaware of the larger purpose of her life, we will not know the full purpose and importance of our lives until we look back from the perspective of eternity.

Ruth’s story becomes a model of faithfulness and trust. In her humility and hard work, she discovers a refuge under the wings of God. This is a reminder that our actions can lead us into the shelter of divine provision.

Your reputation is formed by the people who watch you at work, at home, in church, and in society. Continue to live in your faithfulness to God. The Lord will repay, and the rewards will come in full outweigh any sacrifice you have made. Stay hopeful!


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