The Lord’s Dwelling Place


Ephesians 3:17

“That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love.”

Where is the Lord’s dwelling place? In our hearts, says Paul. But that’s a little difficult to digest, Saint Paul, for many times, I’ve felt burdened, betrayed, bruised in my heart and battling in faith; and felt loneliness thick as a cloud, convincing myself that my God has abandoned me!

Our confidence that the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ dwells in us is evident in how we live, how we think, how we behave and even how we speak. For the foundations of a house determines how it will weather the many storms to come. The roots of a plant may not be seen on the outside, but the health of the plant, the colour of its leaves, the quality of its flowers and fruits help determine the strength of its roots. Note that a building is constructed keeping in mind the possibilities of natural disasters. But the growth of a plant is completely dependent on its soil, its location and its nutrition.

Similarly, we need to build our soul on the firm foundation of the Word of the Lord, anticipating that when the storms hit, we will stand firm because of The Cornerstone. We need to assess our lives constantly…building our relationships and our hearts on the greatest commandment of LOVE!

When the core of our existence is Christ, the centre of all that we are will exude His love, mercy and goodness!


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