The Matter is Settled


Isaiah 1:18 – “‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the LORD. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’”

How would you feel if every act you had ever done, every word you had ever spoken, every thought that had ever crossed your mind was displayed for the world to see? That, my friend, is what Jesus sees. He knows every single thing you think, speak or do. And still He loves you.

He has seen you at your worst, and He still wants to be your best friend. All you need to do is accept the forgiveness that He has purchased for you with His blood. When you receive His offer of salvation, you are no longer bound by your past.

Although your past might have been black as coal, red as scarlet, Jesus has wiped it clean. Your life is now white as newly fallen snow. Jesus’ sacrifice has settled the matter of your past sins once and for all. If the devil brings back old memories and condemns you, remember who you are in Christ. You are a new creation, bought by His blood and set free. He has settled the matter; don’t let the devil dig it up again.
