The Mighty Encompassing of Shaddai!


Psalm 91:2

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust.

They hadn’t planned for the third baby, but the Lord had added unto them. At the time of pregnancy, though the doctor advised them against going ahead stating that the baby probably would have multiple birth issues, they chose to stand on the Word of the Lord and proceed. If they thought making that choice was a challenge, they never expected what they were going to battle. A whole chunk of life was now about this little life and here they were, with the little baby hospitalized due to a large hole in her heart. The happenings were like a whirlwind of unprecedented jerks one after another, a severe test of their faith.

Psalm 91 is a beautiful promise of safety and security in the strong encompassing of the Most High. When our habitation is the Shadow of Shaddai, He is the hope you hold on to. When you’ve done the best you could and there is nothing more you can do, He is your confidence, wrapping His arms around you and shielding you from all harm. Evil WILL NOT be able to prevail against you, for His angels defend you from the demonic forces. Even in the midst of the battle, when you are weak, heavy-ladened and weary, the enemy would not be able to see it, for you will be hidden in the strength of the Most High. Put your complete trust in Him, for while you see disaster all around you, it will not be able to come near you, you will remain unscathed and unharmed. Beloved, continue to hold on in faith, don’t fear a thing! Your God will surely come and save you! In Jesus’ name!



  1. Christina
    24 May 2019 12:15:00 Reply

    Beautiful, our God is indeed mighty to save. God bless the author of today’s devotional, God is using your gift of writing and counselling through it powerfully.

    • Bethel Team
      29 May 2019 17:31:17 Reply

      Dear Sis.Christina,
      We are so glad to know that this Devotional has spoken into your life.
      Thanks for sharing and encouraging us.


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