The Perfect Creator


Psalm 139:13-14: “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” 

Our God is a creator. Everything we see around us is created by Him. The breath-taking scenic beauty of the clouds, mountains, streams, flowers are all His doing. However, they all lack one fundamental aspect, they are not created in His image. 

We on the other hand are the privileged ones who are created in His own image. Due to this we automatically have an edge over them. When God created us, He meant for us to be unique and standing out. How you look is not an accident. God intended for you to look a certain way. Every cell in our body has been placed in the perfect manner. The colour of our skin, shape and size of our body has been perfectly designed with a purpose. We have been created with love and class. 

Our Lords regards each creation as a masterpiece. He would not have spent a moment on you if He thought you were not worthy of being created. Infact God takes pride in you and considers you to be a great work of His hands.  

We may not think highly of ourselves, but the God who created us considers us worthy. The next time you are made to feel inferior because of the way you look, or someone criticizes you or body shames you, do not try to change yourself just to fit in, instead thank God for yourself. You represent Christ in your appearance and therefore you are perfect as the one that is in you is perfect. His works are wonderful and without blemish and so are you. You were created with a purpose. 


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