The Permanent and Unfailing Love of God


Isaiah 54:10 – “For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, But My kindness shall not depart from you, Nor shall my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord.” 

Looking at the majestic mountains that surround us; the hills; the mighty oceans; the mighty trees with their enormous trunks: we think them as permanent and they will for sure outlast each of us. Even building structures and furniture made by human hands become wonders of the world, and priceless antiques.  But the truth is, that none of these will outlast the untoucheable lovingkindness of our Creator. 

Sometimes we get so caught up in keeping up with everyone else; working hard to become providers for our families; studying hard to get the best job; and excelling at the best job to attain yet another raise. These are all good, essential, but not permanent. 

Our home is not here; it is not made by human hands, nor are the things which matter most to our God destructible or perishable.  Our focus needs to be on things eternal. Our legacy has to be on things where the moth and the thieves have absolutely no access to. 

There is nothing more precious than the assurance that our God, Who is Eternal, will forever be with us; where His love, compassion, protection, peace will never pass away. 

Thank You precious Father, for speaking Your truth into our lives. Thank You for calling us into Your love that outlasts all things visible.  Amen! 


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