The Power of Gratitude


Psalm 105:1 (NKJV): Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!

How do we usually feel when we wake up in the morning — thankful or burdensome? Thankful for God’s breath in our lungs or burdened about the day ahead of us? David never forgot the promises of God. Despite the trials he faced, he knew praise and thanksgiving were his keys to victory.

When we look back over our lives, do we recognize the goodness of God? The times He made a way when we couldn’t see one. Our health reports didn’t look good, but God turned it around. A near accident that we were saved from. A mistake that we should’ve paid for but God’s mercy covered us.   

Dear friends, when we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and we live for Him, His mighty arm rests over us. He surrounds us with His presence, pushing back forces of darkness. This reminder ought to stir us up to thankfulness.

David never missed a chance to praise God for the wonderful things He had done in the past. He blessed the Lord openly, encouraging all who heard him do the same. As God’s people, we should talk more about His wondrous works.

Psalm 105 exhorts us to thank the Lord — and boast to others about the mighty things He has done for us. Share how God answered an unspoken prayer. Or how He provided help in time of great need. Did God replace your sorrow with joy? Tell everyone about it and encourage them to find hope in God.


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