Salvation Invitation


John 12:47 NKJV

“If anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.” 

In John 12:47, Jesus is talking to a crowd that includes both His followers and those who don’t believe in Him. This moment is part of His final public teachings before the crucifixion, where He stresses that His purpose on earth isn’t to judge people but to offer them salvation. When He says “I,” He’s referring to Himself, explaining that His mission is about grace and redemption rather than condemnation.

What’s significant here is that Jesus identifies Himself as the Savior. He knows some people might reject His words, but He wants to make it clear that He’s here to bring salvation to everyone through His teachings and His eventual sacrifice on the cross. This message is at the heart of the Gospel: it’s all about God’s love and the gift of forgiveness offered through Jesus, even to those who may not accept Him right away.

His words are filled with hope, offering everyone a chance to repent and choose faith. The beauty of this verse is that it highlights how salvation is freely available to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ. It reminds us that, no matter our past or our doubts, there’s always an opportunity to turn to Him and experience His love and grace. Repentance is simply a heartfelt decision to turn away from our wrongdoings and seek His forgiveness, emphasizing that it’s never too late to embrace His mercy.


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