The Priceless Gift of Salvation


Lamentations 3: 22-23

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

It does seem quite inappropriate that a verse talking about God’s mercy and love should find its place in a book named Lamentations. Doesn’t it?

But, that’s the nature of our God. Even grief and sorrow cannot eclipse the love that God has for us.

It is unfortunate that secular media makes God seem like an angry person on a giant chair who waits for an opportunity to punish people. Of course, they camouflage their claims by painting him in a white robe and matching beard.

But we know our God and His nature! He is a God of compassion, who wants to forge an everlasting relationship with us and bless us through His promises. He has never gone back on any promise, even to the point of sending His only Son to bear the cross and redeem mankind.

After the ordeal on the cross, the Lord Jesus did not rest in the tomb. While cacking demons celebrated their “victory”, the Lord Jesus gatecrashed the grandest party that hell ever hosted. From mirth and revelry to cemetery silence, hell watched in absolute shock as satan ran for cover.  

Not only did Jesus defeat satan that day, but He did it on satan’s own turf! And why did He do it? To offer the blessing of salvation to everyone who believes.

Have you experienced the life-giving gift of salvation? It is priceless!

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23


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