The Promise of Eternity


1 John 2:25 – “And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life.”

All of us love promises, especially those we find in the Bible. We eagerly search the Scripture, mine promises from our daily Bible reading, and try to apply them to our personal situations. God says “Yes” to His promises and we heartily proclaim “Amen!” (2 Corinthians 1:20). One of the best promises in the Bible is eternal life, but it requires us to walk through something morbid – death.

None of us really likes to discuss death but we see the reality of it all around us. The loss of a loved one, the many obituaries in the papers, news of fatal crimes and accidents… it’s all more than enough to kill our joy. But as believers of Jesus, death is not the end for us. It is only a doorway to a glorious future that God has planned for us – to spend eternity with Him.

Jesus Himself said that while we are in this world we will have trouble (John 16:33). But we are not without hope. God has overcome the world; He has defeated sin and death forever. He has promised us His presence, now and for eternity. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Even if you are walking through a situation that resembles the valley of shadow of death, do not fear. God is walking with you. Your Good Shepherd is tenderly watching over you; He will carry you safely back to the mountaintop again.


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