The Right Direction



In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6 (NKJV)


The key word is ‘all’ – at all times, good and bad, small and big, normal and extraordinary, in calm and in storm, in success and failure, in health and sickness, private or public, in all your ways acknowledge God.

When things are hard it may be easy to call on God. It’s when things are easy and not difficult it seems harder to trust or acknowledge God.

The more we know of Gods character more you can trust and acknowledge Him in every circumstance. Let’s get to know how trustworthy He is, by reading and studying Gods word every day.

Talk to God about everything all the time! Pray without ceasing.

We most likely will stop to ask for directions when we are lost, reach dead ends, or have taken a wrong path, and needing guidance to reach our destination.

When the way ahead seems uncertain we can humble ourselves and ask God to be involved in every aspect of our lives. He promises to guide us in what is right and teach us His ways (Psalm 25:9). He promises us whether we turn to the right or to the left, our ears will hear His voice behind us saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”(Isaiah 30:21) The crooked ways shall be made straight and the rough ways smooth (Luke 3:5; Isaiah 40:4).

Lord Jesus Christ says He is the Way (John 14:6). Lord help us to choose the right way.


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