The Righteous and their Reward


Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely He is God who judges in the earth. Psalm 58:11

Righteous individuals are those in right standing with God. Consider the Tour de France, a prestigious cycling event in France. Floyd Landis, once seen as Lance Armstrong’s successor, faced a fall from grace in 2006. His victory was short-lived due to a positive test for synthetic testosterone, resulting in a two-year ban and title loss. Landis played a key role in Armstrong’s doping scandal, contributing to the unraveling of his legacy. This story highlights the twists in the pursuit of justice in professional cycling, where despite their efforts, athletes like Landis and Armstrong faced the loss of honor and fame due to unrighteous acts.

This is the world we live in, but fortunately God has created another world. This is the spirit world, above the physical reality, where we are spirit beings made in His image. God counts us righteous if we have accepted Jesus as our savior. Sometimes, our small or big acts of righteous living do not get the deserved applause or the honor and respect we deserve. However, it is always the Lord who keeps count and, in due time, He rewards us. He never fails. He is so meticulous that even the hair on our head is in His count.

He extends His love for whoever believes in Him, and He accepts us with open arms. On the other hand, He is the one who is a true and righteous judge. We don’t have to take matters into our hands because of rage, anger, jealousy, or evil intent. God is the avenger and judge. He will judge every one when we appear before His judgment seat. But as long as we are here, we live under His grace, submitting to His will. So, have no fear and trust in His goodness. If we can relax and let God guide us, we will live in the favour of God and man. That is living with integrity in our hearts and having good character and honor among people. This is how Jesus was when He came to live and showed us the way to do it.


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