The Righteous Judge 


Revelation 22:12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” 

Lord Jesus is often referred to as love, and all who have experienced Him can vouch for it. His love is not reserved for a chosen few, but the entire human race. The Holy Bible says that the Lord is slow to anger and abounding in love. His steadfast love endures forever. Having said that, it is imperative to know that He is also the judge of the world.  

It is true that the Lord is our loving Father, who is merciful and forgiving and pours upon us His grace every day. However, when He comes, it will be in the capacity of a judge. He will operate from the throne of justice. Therefore, everything we do, think or say has repercussions. It may be true that God has given us the freewill to live as we like, but to be validated we must make the right choices, so that we may be able to approach His throne boldly and blemish free. 

God wants the best for us, and nothing pleases Him more than rewarding us. He is gracious and cannot help Himself. When our deeds are in line with His character and His will for us, He will take a personal interest in us. 

So, whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as God will repay each person according to what they have done. 


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