The seal of God’s ownership


II Corinthians 1:21-22:  Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

We are born in God’s kingdom, the kingdom of Light.  God established people from every tribe, nation, and language in Christ.  There is no Jew or gentile in the kingdom of God.  God has established us or rather made us firm and secure in the Rock of all ages, Christ.   He has anointed us and sealed us as His own.  He has given His Spirit in our hearts.

Nobody can ever pluck us from the hands of God.  Since He has sealed us as His own, the enemy will have to think multiple times to come near us or destroy us.  Whenever God sees us, He sees the blood of Jesus over us.  God looks at us as changed or transformed people with no more sins, no more old lifestyle but with more vigour and zeal for the Lord.  We are no longer standing in our strength but in His grace and forgiveness.  We stand in His righteousness, not our’s.  Above all these, He has anointed us with His Holy spirit that He so dwells in our hearts.  We become the temple of the Holy Ghost.

God has done four things for us, who were once alienated from His Kingdom.  He has established us in Christ, anointed us, sealed us, and given His Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee that He owns us.  Never let anyone rob you of the blessings that God has given you.  Safeguard all of them and be faithful to God until the end.


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