The Secret Place


1 Chronicles 16:27

Honor and majesty are found in His presence; strength and joy are found in His sanctuary.

As Nogad sat alone in the cafeteria, he observed the many people seated at various other tables-chatting, laughing, eating, working, etc. For 10 long years had he been waiting for his break-through. He had been faithful and excelling in his work, yet his promotion kept getting delayed over and over. Many times he felt he didn’t get the credit and the honor that was due to him. Being joyous everyday needed strength, which was exactly what he was struggling with.

What are you searching for or having been waiting for all the while? Is it merit and esteem? Or dignity, authority and power? Or strength to face the storm that is brewing? Have you lost your ability to simply rejoice at nothing because of the dark, daunting and depressing valley experience you’ve had?

The Bible mentions ONE place where ALL of this can be found-Solomon knew WHO to ask for honor and majesty, and David found the secret place where strength and joy too could be found. IN HIS PRESENCE! Recognize that all glory, all splendour, all power and all rejoicing comes from here. This is what surrounds the Lord, this is what He exudes, this is WHO HE IS! He is THE SOURCE. Beloved, as you seek the Lord, seek Him with all of your heart, all of your mind and all of your soul. As you begin to do this and dwell in the secret place, be rest assured, that ALL these things shall be added unto you! Stay blessed in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!


One Comment

  1. Gaurav Das
    10 Sep 2019 17:34:51 Reply

    Thank you Jesus for choosing us to call upon your name. Thank you for making a way in the midst of storm, as we go through. Thank you for providing a shelter under your heavenly hand. Thank you for everything.

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