The Setup


Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, and His wonderful works to the children of men! Psalms 107:8.

Seasons are wonderful!

Each season has its appeal. From the brightness of spring and the warmth of summer to the sweet aroma of monsoon rains and the vivid hues of autumn, seasons make the earth look good!

Even the ones that cause barrenness, like winter, aren’t considered setbacks.

In many parts of the world, trees shed their leaves completely and look dead during the winter. The birds that visited them daily and entertained them with melodious tunes are no longer in the vicinity. But the tree doesn’t view this as a setback. Instead, it sacrifices its leaves in winter to make room for new ones in spring.

How many of us believe that the season of sacrificial worship will set us up for great blessings in the seasons to follow?

King David fasted and prayed for his son, who was born of Bathsheba, Uriah’s widow. The Lord was angry with David for manipulatively orchestrating the death of Uriah. Now, David’s son was close to death, and he was pleading with God to save his child’s life.

But the child died.

On hearing the news, David went to the Lord’s house to worship. It must have been the most painful worship, but he knew the principle behind the sacrifice of praise.

In due time, Bathsheba conceived again. This time, she gave birth to Solomon, and the Lord loved him! Solomon went on to become king and received the unprecedented privilege of building the Lord’s Temple in Jerusalem.

You may be in a season of sacrificial praise. Don’t give up!

A season of barrenness is not a setback. It is a setup for something amazing that is in transit! Remember the words of our Lord:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9


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