The Spirit of Giving


Proverbs 19:17 “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.”

The Lord of the Holy Bible is a compassionate God. He loves a cheerful giver. He has always stood up for the cause of the poor, the orphan and the widow. The Holy Bible has always depicted our Father in Heaven as a noble God who is filled with goodness, kindness and generosity. He loves to give and He gives freely and generously.  

The above verse is a commandment coupled with a promise. God commands us to give to those in need and promises to bless us for it. He admires a heart that is filled with compassion and consideration towards others. Nothing pleases our Lord more that an act of charity done with the intention of glorifying Him. He attaches His blessings to such charities. He wants us to make charity a way of life and not just a choice. The Bible considers the act of charity as a service to God. He does not overlook a single act of kindness and will repay every good deed, in His time.

God created the rich and the poor equal. The fact that one man has more than another man is God’s choice, and not personal superiority.  When was the last time we gave to someone in need and felt for someone in distress? Can we take a moment to thank the Lord for all the good that He has done in our lives and think of those who are less fortunate? God blesses each of us, expecting us to be a blessing to others. What He gives us, is not for us alone, but to be shared with those who may be deprived and disadvantaged.


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