The sun may fail, but the Son won’t


Psalm 112:4: Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness


Stuck at the crossroads of life?

Is uncertainty causing havoc to life’s GPS?

Does failure seem too daunting, to step into the future without a sign from above?

Sometimes anxiety, stress and the fear of failure can mask signboards, placed by God at the crossroads of life.


As Moses tended to his father-in-law’s flock, his mind constantly drifted back to the fate of his people in Egypt. He had abandoned them many years ago and fled to Midian.

Should I forget about my people?

Should I go back to Egypt?

Even Moses was at the crossroads of life, unsure about his future. But, God spoke to him when he most needed it and shed light on His plan for Moses’ life.

The Lord set fire to a bush that did not burn out. He spoke to Moses through the bush and told him to go back to Egypt to rescue the Israelites. The rest is history…


When we are without a roadmap from God, our journey is sure to carry us along pathways of uncertainty. But, God has a habit of turning on the lights at the most opportune moments. It illuminates the path that places our every mortal step in line with our eternal goals.

When darkness shrouds even the midday sun, remember, the Son of God – who commanded the sun to shine – is on our side!




One Comment

  1. Priya
    10 Sep 2018 11:11:49 Reply

    Tq so much for msg…God comforted through dis msg God bless!

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