The Supernatural Life


Matthew 21:22

Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Christ Jesus loves people of faith. That is because faith is the currency of heaven. The more the faith you have, the richer you are in the Kingdom of the Lord.

Jesus taught His disciples that if they lived a life in the fullness of faith, they could speak to creation and it would respond to them. Faith has the potential to unlock authority. Your degree of faith is evident in your lifestyle. Therefore, you need to keep practicing and exerting your faith on a regular basis to increase and grow it.

This is what Jesus called the ‘Kingdom Life.’ He reiterated, as you embrace this lifestyle and don’t doubt your relationship and identity in Christ, you’ll not just do minor feats. It is faith that enables us to overcome and triumph over the obstacles and storms of life. When we are confident of who Christ is, what He’s done for us and what He’s given us, there is a release in the spiritual that manifests in the physical.

Faith brings the reality of the Kingdom realm into the natural. That is when life transforms from normal to supernatural. There is NO MOUNTAIN that can stand against you. This is what Christ desires for us. What a privilege it is to be called a child of the Most High. What an honour to serve Christ. And what an advantage to be able to worship and praise Him!!!

May the Lord increase our faith to bring the reality of the Kingdom realm into the natural. That our life transforms from normal to supernatural.



    08 Jan 2023 16:50:14 Reply


    Stroke part of my left brain & amp; right part of body, mouth, speech, hand and legs; 2 years back.

    6 people can go anything about me (for bad):
    My Parents, brother, her mom, her dad. All 6 people can be used & amp; do be bad dreams, magic, sorcery, omens. All my friends, coworkers etc etc are bad dreams, magic, sorcery, omens are done.

    Intercessions by Jesus Christ for me & amp; my stroke.

    Dhruva Jyoti Malakar

    • Bethel Team
      11 Jan 2023 10:58:50 Reply

      Dear Dhruva Jyoti Malakar,

      Keep praying for the Blood of Jesus Christ to cover you and hold on to the resurrection power of Christ. When you are rooted in Christ, no weapon formed against you will prosper. Continue to dwell on His promises and grow in His Word.

      Stay abundantly blessed in Christ.

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