The Table Is Set!


You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Psalm 23:5 (KJV)


Psalm 23 is a personal testimony of King David’s experience with God, and till today it still is a testament of the Lord’s presence in our lives. It indeed is one of the most memorized Psalms in the Bible; it is like a precious balm to our wounded soul.

Verse 5 of this Psalm is a promise to only those who rely on and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. The promise is His very presence even while we walk through a dark tunnel, and its end is far from sight. Psalms 16:11 indicates that there is fullness of joy where our Lord’s presence is, irrespective of our situation.

Only with our Lord Jesus Christ’s help are we able to move from the valley of the shadow of death to a table prepared with a feast. The table with food is an illustration of abundance, prosperity, fullness, and satisfaction that the Lord himself will make possible when we walk with Him daily.

Oil in the second half of this verse is the Holy Spirit’s anointing over our lives to enable us to live a life of excellence. The Lord makes our life overflow with blessings that we, through our lives, might bless others. God is able!



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