
Revelation 14:7

“Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come. Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

After all this time, everything that is happening around us resounds what the WORD declares- As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, there shall be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes; men shall be lovers of their own selves, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.

As Children of the Most High, we are encouraged to be alert, cautious, active and ever ready to meet our Saviour face to face. The angel of the Lord declares for those who have ears that they would hear and heed:

FEAR THE LORD-(Deut.10) to fear the Lord is to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve Him with all your mind and heart and your entire being by keeping His commandments and His statutes.

GIVE HIM GLORY-(Isaiah 48) All praise is due to Him ALONE. Every other idol in our lives-tangible or intangible has to be brought down. Let your offering unto Him be a sacrifice of praise.

WORSHIP HIM-(Rev.14) Fall down before Him; honour, adore and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Express your devotion to Him in your words, in your thoughts and in your deeds.

Beloved, we are living in the final minutes of the last hour. (Heb.10:4) Let us be increasingly driven towards motivating each other that we would love like Christ loved and go around exuding the fragrance of Christ though noble activities and good deeds. May we learn to cry, ‘Lord, may your Kingdom come on earth as it it is heaven!’ May we have the wisdom and boldness to share His compassion and be fruitful laborers, in Jesus’ Name!!!


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