To God be the Glory 


Ephesians 3:13 “I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory.” 

Life is full of ups and downs. There are times we feel encouraged and positive and days when we feel low and dejected. The troubles of this world can be damaging and may have an overwhelming effect on us.  

The above verse is a snippet from apostle Paul’s writing. Apostle Paul’s contribution to the Holy Bible cannot be negated. In spite of having the anointing and the grace of God upon him, he faced personal challenges and was fighting an inner battle. But this did not dishearten him, nor did it deter his focus from his purpose. He uses himself as an example to motivate us.  

Through this verse, he is reminding us that we may be facing many giants in life but let us not be discouraged. On the contrary, let us rejoice and celebrate that God will use our moments of trials to reveal His glory. Our Lord is a strategist. When He allows us to go through pain, He does it with a purpose. He is the master planner and has everything figured out. Nothing moves without His knowledge. He is sovereign over every situation.  

Isn’t this an encouraging thought? To know that God is in control, even though it may look like everything is falling apart.? So, no matter what challenges you may be facing today, know that your God is beside us and able to deliver you from every situation. All that is needed from you is to be still and let the Lord work His magic. 


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