Trade Burdens for Blessings


Psalm 55:22  Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.


For many a year Hannah was barren, while Peninnah bore children aplenty. Though the custom of the land led people to believe that barrenness was a curse, Elkanah loved Hannah more than Peninnah.

This led to hostility between Peninnah and Hannah. Their rivalry was solely based on the number of children they could bear. Suffice it to say, Peninnah won every battle hands down!

Sometimes rivals enter our lives to lead us to God.

And so it was with Hannah!

Unable to bear Peninnah’s torment, Hannah prayed earnestly to God and promised to dedicate her child to the Lord’s service.

When she cast her burdens on the Lord, He opened her womb and she conceived. In time, Samuel was born. He was dedicated to the Lord and grew into one of the Bible’s most respected prophets.

In today’s world there is no shortage of problems. Our battle against these problems may leave us hurt and weary.

But, we have a God who has an abundance of solutions to our problems. Just cast your worries on Him, and prepare for Great Triumph!




One Comment

  1. Vaeronica Beck
    11 Jul 2019 13:55:45 Reply

    Blessed very much because in the place ofHannah
    Many sister have burden,and they have to go Jesus feet and God will see their burden

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