Treasure up God’s Word


Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. Deuteronomy 11:18

Deuteronomy, often known as Moses’ farewell speech, also contains cautions for Israelites to follow God loyally and not go wayward. Observing the laws of God was mandatory for the people of God if they desired to enter Canaan, the promised land.

Israelites were traumatized as slaves in Egypt, but alas, God blessed them out of their misery to own lands and properties. The promise-keeping Father raised them from slaves to landlords and kings! However, it is only human nature to forget their humble beginnings, and the Israelites were no different. They often forgot God’s mighty miracles in their lives and consequently faced the painful discipline of God.

From the books of Exodus through Deuteronomy, Moses frequently reminds the Israelites to stay close to God and observe His laws. This verse is one such reminder, not just for the ancient Israelites but even for us. We need constant reminders of God’s laws in our lives. We find ourselves guilty of somehow believing that we are responsible for all the blessings in our lives and of becoming proud. 

God’s word can inevitably keep us grounded and in alignment with God’s promises for us. His Word lays the guidelines of a believer’s thoughts and actions. Diligently observing the laws of God demonstrates our genuine love and sincere commitment to our Provider. It would in turn cause others to experience the love of God through our lives.

Let us, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, treasure God’s word and keep it close to our hearts and minds. Let our lives tell the story of God’s great goodness!


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