A Triumphal Parade in Christ Jesus!


2 Corinthians 2:14

Now thanks be to God, who always maketh us to triumph in Christ Jesus, and manifesteth the odour of His knowledge by us in every place.

In the Roman world, there was something called the ‘Triumphal Parade’ which was a day of a victory procession. This probably happened just once in a person’s lifetime. The image is of a triumphal entry of a victorious captain or general. He was followed by an entire parade marching through the streets of the city declaring and celebrating their conquest.

A certain order was followed in this procession-first the city magistrates, then the officials, then Roman Senate and then the trumpeters. Next were the spoils, pictures, citadels and ships from the conquered land. There was a white sacrificial bull after this followed by the captive rulers, leaders, generals, etc. who were soon to be executed. Then came the musicians and the priests swinging their censers of sweet smelling incense burning in them. This aroma was spread all through the parade, significant as victory to those who had conquered but bearing the message (stench) of death to those who were conquered. Finally, rode the Conquering General, followed by his family and his army.

This is the picture Paul paints for us. And this is more than just a pictorial representation. It is the truth. Jesus Christ Himself is the Captain of the Lord’s army and we, along with Paul are His chief officers. He has already won the victory. He has already conquered death. Now we are daily being led in a perpetual victory parade! Our lives, our lifestyles, our very prayers are what makes the incense that is offered unto the Lord! For this, Praise be to the Lord who ALWAYS leads us in victory and through our yielded lives spreads the fragrance of Christ!


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