Trust in God’s Faithfulness


Psalm 37:3 – “Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.”

This psalm was written by King David, and through the entire chapter, he seems to be driving home one point – don’t envy the prosperity of evil people. We find evidence of greed and corruption all around us. People who have no qualms about doing evil, and they seem to be prospering too. This can be quite disheartening.

But consider what the Bible says. God will reward each person according to what they have done. While the wicked might seem to be flourishing, they will get what they deserve in the end. On the other hand, those who trust in the Lord and do good will be blessed. God will not forsake His children. Those who rely on God and are faithful to obey His Word will not be put to shame.

In the meantime, here’s what you can do:

Trust in the Lord – not on your wisdom, income, abilities or connections.

Do good – Strive to live according to God’s word and do good to those around you.

Dwell in the land – Be satisfied where God has placed you and be grateful for what you have.

Feed on God’s faithfulness – Remember, God has never failed you, and He never will.

Don’t compare yourself with others who seem to have it all. Look up to the Lord, and depend on Him to give you a just reward for your faith.



  1. Srikanth k
    02 Aug 2019 09:26:50 Reply

    Don’t compare to others who seem to have it all. Look up to the Lord.

  2. Beena joy
    03 Aug 2019 10:34:25 Reply

    This is a great truth to be followed in our day to day life as a child of God. It is very encouraging to read it for our heart and soul.Many times in our day to day life we do compare and get discouraged but Holy Spirit is reminding not to do so and look into His word and trust in his faithfulness.I thank you jesus for word in time for our present situation in and around us.thsnk you Lord.Amen.

    • Bethel Team
      06 Aug 2019 14:15:25 Reply

      Dear Sister Beena,
      We are so glad to know that this devotional has encouraged you. May the Lord continue to guide you with His Word daily.


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