Unconditional trust leads to Unimaginable miracles


Psalm 34:8

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

When we hit rock bottom, it is easy to trust God for a miracle because we have no other option. But, do we trust God and submit our lives to His will when we have alluring options aplenty?

Abraham’s trust in God was exemplary. From the time when God told him to leave his land, profession and people, to the time when his household awaited a bride for Isaac, Abraham trusted God like a toddler would trust his father.

When the Lord spoke to Abraham and told him to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac, as a burnt offering, do you remember what he did? He cut firewood for the sacrifice and set out towards the mountain that the Lord had chosen.

Not a word spoken against God’s plan!

For three days they travelled, offering Abraham hundreds of chances to back out. But, his trust in God was so strong that, probably, deep in his heart he knew that God would make him a great nation, through Isaac, his son of promise. For Abraham believed and it was later written, “But the son by the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and the son by the free woman through the promise.” – Galatians 4:23.

This gave Abraham the emotional strength to carry on, even to the point of tying his son and raising his knife to sacrifice him. But, the Lord who never fails to fulfil His promises, stopped him. Do you remember what He said?

I, Myself, will provide!

Around 3500 years later God kept His promise and sent His only beloved son to die for our sins.

You know what killed Jesus? Not the Romans or the Pharisees. It was God’s love for mankind, which required the perfect sacrifice to sanction the forgiveness of our sins. That’s why Jesus had to die on the cross.

Even today, God’s love is killing our flesh, to breathe life into our spirit. Are we willing to reciprocate His love by laying our flesh to rest?



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