Unstoppable God


For You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord shall enlighten my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop; by my God I can leap over a wall. 2 Samuel 22:29-30

David wrote this chapter when God delivered him from his enemies and established his kingdom. David’s life is proof of an unstoppable God lifting the underdog to the throne. David, who was once the rejected child, a shepherd, and a fugitive from King Saul, is now king. The impossible is normal with God.

When God works the impossible in your life, learn from David and offer your prayers of thanksgiving to God. When you meditate on this chapter, there is a pattern of first praise, then thanksgiving and again praise. Praise and thanksgiving are the factors for a fruitful prayer life. Forget not what God has done for you all the days of your life. Promotion doesn’t come from anywhere but from God alone(Psalm 75:6-7).

When God promoted David, he was unstoppable against impossible odds stacked against him. David knew that God’s word worked(Psalm 119:105) to remove the darkness in his life. David’s life was far from perfect and had countless shortcomings, but what was constant was that he always returned to God.

God has a plan for your life and will lift you from your lowly state. Today allow God to take over your life and be unstoppable, in all that you do. However, like David, remember to offer praise and thanksgiving as God promotes you. Diligently devote yourself to obeying God’s word as He enlightens your steps forward!


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