Unwavering Trust In God


Psalm 146:3 – Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.

In life, we associate with many people like relatives, friends or acquaintances, and they all play a part. We may have had friends and relatives who would have cheated us, lied to us or hurt us. Even when they did help us, it probably was for a selfish reason; once they achieved their aim, they immediately left us.

Meanwhile, there are those friends who were our support and strength through troubled times. It was a blessing to have them in our lives, but are they still there for us? They probably are not, as they may have moved to another city, country or continent, or we may have lost them.

Even when we want to help our friends, we have our limitations. We are limited by our resources, skills, or frailties as human beings.

Then who do we look to in times of need? Someone whom we can trust, someone who will never let us down. It is our Abba Father, the God who created Heaven and Earth and everything on it. Our God is not limited by anyone or anything. He is a promise-keeping God who does not get tempted or swayed. He is a righteous God who loves us unconditionally and never fails us. No matter how hard we fall or how big our sin is, our God is there for us. He will neither leave us nor forsake us.

Always remember God’s promise in Matthew 28:20 – “…, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”


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