Wait Upon the Lord



Isaiah 64:4 – For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear,nor has the eye seen any God besides You,who acts for the one who waits for Him.


What exactly does waiting look like? Most of us have experienced waiting at a bus or train station, at the doctor’s, in the traffic or in the line for provisions, supplies, etc. People wait for the pandemic to end, health to improve, a job or a promotion, a single person waits for their perfect partner, parents wait for a child to be conceived or born, one waits for a family member, spouse or child to come spiritually close to God.

We are usually willing to wait longer for someone we love, otherwise we get restless. How do we wait on the Lord?

There are a few Hebrew words for ‘wait’: Qavah, – process of binding yourself to God; Chakah, – waiting patiently, Shamar – a close focused watching and observing (God’s word and His promises concerning the specific situation) Yachal – which is a waiting with longing, expectation and hope.

The Bible says, those who wait on the Lord, Jesus Christ are never disappointed. This doesn’t mean we get what we want when we want it. It means that God never forgets, never breaks a promise, and never fails. A person might stand us up, misremember, or lie. None of these things will ever be true of the Lord. He promises to act on our behalf, to bless us, to renew us and strengthen our hearts. The result of waiting on God is a certainty.


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