Waiting upon God


Psalm 62:5:  My soul wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.

Waiting is a long process, is it not?  Have you seen people waiting in the queue at the departmental store, in a bank, at a registration counter, etc. ? Some people get angry, irritated, and frustrated with these kind of waitings.  The Bible says those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles.  God rewards those who always wait upon Him with patience.

David is encouraging himself to wait only upon God.  He was waiting to get justice from those who were oppressing him.  His hope was only in God.  He was a king and also a man after God’s own heart.  He did not take pride in his army.  He knew the source of his strength was only God.  He was expecting deliverance and aid to come to him from the heavens above.  He was confident that God would free him from all troubles.  Did you have to wait for something in your life and lose all hope?  Remember, Joseph still had God’s promises on his life when he went through disowning, shame, and false accusation.  He never lost hope in God.  He was lifted up like an eagle.  Job never lost his faith either.  He was rewarded for his patience and trust in God.

Wait upon God with the right attitude.  Pray even when it is hard to utter a word.  Pray in pain and sorrow.  Pray when you have lost everything.  Remind God of His promises.  Take God at His word.  Encourage yourself or your soul to wait upon God so that you too will mount up with wings like eagles.
