Walk in God’s Wisdom


Proverbs 8:32 NKJV

“Now therefore, listen to Me, My children, for blessed are those who keep My ways.”

The Book of Proverbs in the Bible is filled with principles for life and today’s verse is no exception. The entire chapter focuses on the myriad blessings of wisdom – specifically God’s wisdom as opposed to the wisdom of the world. When we heed God’s Word, we are blessed – there’s no doubt about that!

There are so many voices out there shouting at us, especially when we’re connected to people with various views on social media. That’s why it’s imperative that we choose to dwell on God’s Word every day and listen to what He has to say. The more we read the Bible and meditate on God’s wisdom, the more we’ll be equipped to discern God’s voice above the voices of the world.

When we let God’s Word rule over our hearts, we live in accordance with His will and get to experience His divine blessing in all areas of our lives. The world will tell you to trust yourself but we know that our own wisdom is fallible and cannot be trusted. On the other hand, God’s wisdom prevails over all and it never fails. When you trust in Him, you will never be put to shame (Romans 10:11).


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