Walking by Faith


2 Corinthians 5:7 – “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

Imagine a father promising his son that he would buy him a football for his birthday. What do you think the son’s reaction would be? He would be thrilled and excitedly look forward to his birthday gift. Has the son seen the ball? No. But he trusts that his father will keep his word and buy him the ball for his birthday.

Many of us stumble through life even though we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We know the promises in the Bible are true. We trust that God will keep His Word. And yet, we start doubting God while we’re waiting for His promises to be fulfilled in our lives. We lose hope and stop believing that God has our best interest in mind.

If you are going through a difficult time in your faith, don’t become weary. Remember, Jesus is God and you are not. If He has promised you something, He will do it. Walking by faith means you continue to trust God, even though you don’t see Him working on your behalf. God might be doing a million things in the background that you’ll never be aware of. If you remain faithful to Him even in the midst of the waiting, you are sure to reap a blessed reward for your faith and obedience.



  1. Beatrice Priya
    20 Nov 2019 08:38:57 Reply

    Amen…i just questioned GOD about His promise that HE gave me from Isaiah 42: 6-9. As this message talks about faith it encouraged me…a timely answer from GOD I can say. Thank you Pastor for this msg….. hallelujah!!

  2. Pradip Gurung
    21 Nov 2019 07:19:45 Reply

    Amen praise the Lord it’s really nice devotion messages.I am also waiting what I hope for.

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