We are saved to serve


He who has a generous eye will be blessed, For he gives of his bread to the poor.
Proverbs 22:9

Generosity to the world can mean so many different things but as children of God we always turn to God who is our perfect example. Generosity by its generic perception is to do with money, material things and so on. Whereas the bible leads us to explore how generosity needs to be demonstrated in our relationships, church and in our everyday lives. The bible shows us how generosity is a lifestyle we choose as it is an essential response to the gospel.

To live one more day is to live like how Jesus taught us to live. Let us remind ourselves everyday that we are saved to serve, from this perspective we come to realise the responsibility we gladly share with one and other as we live in His ways and His kingdom. The kingdom of God was central to the gospel message that Jesus proclaimed. The good news that He brought was that the Kingdom of God has arrived. The gospel in its totality includes becoming a part of and experiencing the kingdom of God now, in the present, while we’re still living. So where is this kingdom? Where do we find it? The church, His body is meant to be the physical manifestation of this kingdom. It is meant to be a society of righteousness and justice. It should be a community where people experience the true love and acceptance that God wants us to have.

So wipe away the definitions of the world in your mind when it comes to generosity, it does not have to do with money or monetary support necessarily. Maybe it’s just spending some time with a new person in church, helping the volunteers stack the stairs, attend your church members baptism, share food, tall to someone who needs a listening ear. Let us unite as His body in serving one and other because generosity is love in action.


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