We are Surrounded!


Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him. Psalm 32:10 (NIV)

David contrasts the wicked, who experience many hardships, but the Lord’s everlasting love surrounds the upright. The righteous are not those who never sinned but those who turn around to the Lord in repentance. Repentance releases us from the burden of our sins. We receive a “Not Guilty” verdict from Christ, the Great Judge of the Universe. Christ loved us very much that He died and rose again to save us. There is no greater satisfaction than being forgiven and set free. God’s redemptive mercy should cause our hearts to leap for joy. 

Blessed are whose sins are forgiven and covered. Nothing, however, can be worse than living an unforgiven life full of guilt and unrest. The benefits of receiving God’s forgiveness include – living with a clear conscience, God becoming our refuge, access to His guidance, and enjoying a great sense of joy with Him surrounding us at all times.

The Lord is with us now and always. Nothing can touch us without His permission. If He enables us to experience hardship, He will give us the necessary understanding and strength to be victorious.

Let’s take hold of this promise like a life-saving parachute and repeat this often until the voices of fear are silenced. The Lord God is mighty to save and He surrounds each of His children



  1. N.Venkatesh. Bangalore.
    31 Aug 2022 13:21:34 Reply

    We are a happy family and we are happiest if we are not bothered by street neighbors sand their evil pranks which has claimed a important life of our family who was dearest to us and our head of the family.
    We are happiest being to ourselves but for the enemy neighbors who want to spoil the good atmosphere of our street and causing health issues even for healthy individuals.
    We are residing in Malleswaram ,Bangalore city and we need healing, solace and compassion and console and counselling for moral support which we are deprived and hard to find such persons in our present day society of ours.
    Kindly my earnest request to pray for us and our family and deliver us completely from our enemies who are corrupt, unethical, and most inhuman which has caused great disturbance to lead a simple happy life of our family .
    My prayer request to be granted sir, . Amen.

    • Bethel Team
      01 Sep 2022 14:37:38 Reply

      Dear Venkatesh,
      Thank you for writing to us, we will be praying for you. Please call the Church Office (number)- 08067537777 to fix an appointment with the Pastors for prayer and counselling. The Lord protect you and your family and keep you in perfect peace.

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