We Live! We Breathe! We Praise Him!


Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. Psalm 147:1

The first thought that comes to our mind when we wake up in the morning is to praise God for the day. Isn’t it?

Psalm 147

The Psalmist also did the same when he wrote Psalm 147, he started and ended it with the word “Hallelujah!” or “Praise God!” This is such an amazing, powerful word. A beautiful reflection of our faith is to go to our Father’s house and sing praises to His holy name on a Sunday morning.


Scientific research says that meditation benefits memory, learning, attention, and self-awareness. Before we touch a gadget or interact with someone in the morning, we should meditate in a calm body, mind, and soul. It provides us with a sense of stillness, which is powerful for connecting to God. Also, our interactions with God, through reading His word, singing praises to Him, and praying to Him should be pleasant as well. We praise God every day, every season, and all through eternity.

In Psalm 147, the author writes that He causes the clouds in the sky, rain on the earth, and grass to grow on the mountains (Psalm 147:08). He feeds the beasts and even the young ravens (Psalm 147:09). God takes pleasure in the people who fear Him (Psalm 147:11) and those who hope in His mercy. He reminds us that He is the God of providence (divine guidance or care), and peace (Psalm 147:14). The Psalm says that everything is beautifully orchestrated by God.


It is wonderful how a flower buds out, and how its fragrance reaches a person’s heart. Similarly, our praises to God bring that sweet aroma to Him and remind us of His providence. Thus it is truly beautiful, delightful, and important to sing praises to Him and give thanks in all things. Amen!


One Comment

  1. Roomana Khan
    26 Feb 2023 10:52:25 Reply

    it’s wonderful…. I would want daily devotional for me to learn from God’s Word…

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