We, The Victorious Children!


You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4 (KJV)


These are beautiful words of truth and comfort to every believer, but more importantly, this is a verse of victory. We need to ask questions to understand this verse better: Who overcame? What did they overcome? And How did they overcome?

Who overcame? – The little children of God, who have surrendered their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and in whom the Spirit of God has taken up permanent residence. If Jesus Christ is the Lord of our lives, then we have become the dwelling place of the all-powerful, all-mighty, all-knowing, all-gracious God.

What did the children of God overcome? The children of God have a defeated enemy who is lashing out because of his defeat. His tactics are to oppress, tempt, and deceive the children of God. Apostle John warns us to be aware of spiritual realities and deal with the enemy through the Holy Spirit’s power.

How did they overcome? The children of God overcame the enemy and the false teachers with the help of the One, living inside them; our Lord Jesus helps us overcome and triumph.The Lord Jesus Christ, His word and truth will bring us final victory. Therefore, children of God, be encouraged, we are overcoming because our Lord Jesus Christ dwells in us!

Dear Lord Jesus, Help us be overcomers. Amen!


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