Welcome Holy Spirit


I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. Joel 2:28

The Holy Spirit of God is a living person, and he is our helper. The Spirit is constantly looking for people who seek God earnestly in truth and spirit. God gives the Holy Spirit to everyone generously as promised, and it helps us walk the walk of faith. Our journey in Christ is incomplete without the companionship of the Holy Spirit. It is the spirit of our living God which teaches us to pray the right prayers, to seek peace even in the most chaotic times of our life, and He gives us divine revelations.

Filling ourselves with the Holy Spirit is an everyday activity. Just as our body needs exercise similarly our spirit needs the filling of the Holy Spirit. Every vessel that is empty is filled in order to be used, similarly, each one of us has to be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to be used for the kingdom of God.

Today as we try to get through the day and finish our tasks at hand and meet the targets that are imposed on us, let us take time to get in touch with the Holy Spirit of God as he is constantly whispering to us about his presence and how much He seeks to fill our hearts. Let us make this prayer, may the Holy Spirit increase in our life as we decrease and allow God to work in our life. When we invite the Holy Spirit of God every day into our lives to fill us with his presence we will see tremendous changes in our attitude and enjoy a meaningful and joyful walk in Christ.


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    24 May 2022 07:52:07 Reply

    Thank you Lord, the God the Father
    Thank you Lord the God the Holyspirit
    Thank you Lord the God the Son
    I am called, healed, blessed and i am whole
    Praise and worship, adore and honour
    Submit and surrender into your Holy feet
    …. Amen, Hallelujah.,

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