What a friend we have in Jesus!


Psalm 31:7

I be glad and rejoice in Your mercy,

For You have considered my trouble;

You have known my soul in adversity.  

This psalm of David begins with him attributing the Lord being his Fortress. By this time king David had been acquainted with many wars. He knew the importance of a fortress. His place of refuge was the Lord. Finding solace in the Lord is good for He alone can truly comfort us. 

But here we see king David taking a difficult step. He encourages himself. He says he will be glad and rejoice. The word ‘will’ here represents both future tense and determination. The reason for both were the Lord’s mercy. The power of His mercy. It enables us to be glad and rejoice.

Even if we don’t feel like rejoicing or being glad we can think upon His mercies. They are new every morning. Through sin we were destined for death. We have eternal life instead. By His mercy He took upon himself the wages of our sin. We can rejoice in His Mercy. 

David goes on to say that the Lord considers his troubles, and knows his soul in adversity. A friend in need is a friend indeed. The Lord was that true confidante. Not only did he hear king David out. He was going to help him. God knew how sad David’s soul was in the time of adversity and He was going to cheer him up.

In our troubled times the Lord is close to us. When we are broken in spirit he will never deny us. He sees us. In all our imperfections and weaknesses he is right there with us. He promises to never leave us nor forsake us. He reaches out to us with a love that endures forever.

David concludes the psalm by saying be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the Lord. So take heart today He promises to strengthen you! What a friend we have in Jesus! 


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