When you’re surrounded on every side


2 Corinthians 4:8-9

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

Apostle Paul didn’t just pen these words out of the blues…he knew what he was writing because he had experienced all of this himself! But how on earth could that be? How could he be stressfully troubled and harshly oppressed in every way yet say that he was not crushed? How could he have suffered humiliating embarrassments and yet say that he was not driven to discouragement or dejection? How could he have been so painfully persecuted and literally deserted, struck down again and again and yet not be destroyed emotionally, mentally or spiritually?

What Apostle Paul had was the right attitude and vision. This is evident in the fact that despite going through such intense persecution, he called it ‘light, momentary affliction’ in verse 17. He was able to see that which was unseen (verse 18) and focussed on just that. He walked by faith and not by sight.  He was fully confident that he shared the same Spirit of Faith that raised Christ Jesus from the dead which is why he was always hopeful and filled with confident courage.

Beloved, like Apostle Paul, the same wonder-working Spirit dwells within us. In the midst of the storms, let us practice focussing on the Lord Jesus, reminding ourselves that He is faithful and though you might feel like your battle is beyond your capability, be strong in the Lord and lean on His mighty power. Put on the full armour of the Lord so that you can stand against the enemy in the name of your Saviour! Take refuge in HIM. He is your shield and your deliverer! It may look like you’re surrounded, but you’ve been enveloped under His wings! In Jesus’ Name!!!


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