Where are you walking?


Ephesians 5:8
For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord- walk as children of light.

“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”

The flesh will always look for darkness. The darkness of the world is brighter than the light of the day. Satan has created darkness in such a way that many will fall thinking they are walking in the light. Do not be deceived. But many a times we enlighten ourselves with deceiving thoughts. Why? Cause it seems good to us. It seems right to us. Jesus and his ways is not a manual or a set of rules from a rule book. You will know light from darkness from one’s fruits. You will know and walk in the light through the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

When you are sensitive to that unknown hand of the Lord guiding you; talking to you, you will know the difference. He will tell and guide you how to walk and where to walk.

The Lord has said in his word, you will be tempted, just as I was tempted. Fear not for I have overcome the world. The sheep will know my voice. There will always be something – a voice, a nudge, a word from the Lord showing you the way. Always hear and accept it. When we quieten our spirits and listen; the Lord will make a better way for you to walk. Accept Jesus and his light will reveal to you – YOU



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