Where does your trust lie?


Psalm‬ ‭33:16-17, 21‬ – “The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. The war horse is a false hope for salvation, and by its great might it cannot rescue… For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.”‭‭

We place our trust in many things on a daily basis. We trust a chair to hold our weight. We believe a bus will take us to our destination. We know that if we do our work, the company will deposit a paycheque in our account. We even trust people to stand up to their word and do as they’ve promised.

But how many times have we been disappointed by expectations that never got met? The bus breaks down, there’s a layoff at work, and people go back on their word. In today’s verses, the Psalmist echoes the same sentiment. A king who depends on the strength of his army and horses has placed his trust on things that might fail him.

When we place our hope in our bank balance, our abilities, or our own determination, we give ourselves false hope. There is only One whom we can blindly trust, and His name is Jesus. Those who trust in the Lord will never be put to shame. As you begin the new year, identify where your trust lies. Let go of every false hope, and hold on to God, our immovable Rock. He is a reliable stronghold, and a sure hope.
