Who is on the throne?


Psalm 47:7-8 – “For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with a psalm! God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne.”

Do you truly believe that our God is the King of kings and Lord of lords? Jesus came to earth over two thousand years ago in the form of a lowly babe. He is coming back again, but this time as a King, in all His glory and splendor. In the meantime, how do we live our lives?

Do we truly believe God is seated on His heavenly throne? Do we trust that God reigns over all earthly powers? Have you given Him the freedom to rule over your life? When God is seated on the throne, everything else is under His control. If you’ve surrendered your life to Christ and allowed Him full control over your life, you have nothing to worry.

Prayer: Lord, I’m sorry for ignoring the fact that You are on the the throne – in heaven, on earth, and in my life. Help me trust in Your goodness and grace, no matter how difficult circumstances may seem. I believe You are able to transform my life for my good and Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
