With all your Heart, Soul and Mind


Deuteronomy 7:9 – Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.

There are many blessings in the Bible, and they have prerequisites. This blessing was promised to those who loved God and kept His commandments.

The blessing above was bestowed on the Israelites after they were delivered from the land of Egypt. They had crossed the Red Sea and were now headed to the land flowing with milk and honey. Milk promising to nourish and honey promising to preserve them.

For us today the crossing over the Red Sea is symbolic to the commitment of Baptism. When we act in obedience to God’s word and take baptism, we are devoting ourselves to becoming disciples of Jesus. We become His chosen people.

Deuteronomy chapters 6 and 7 reveal God’s instructions of wisdom to His Chosen people. He commands us to love Him with all our hearts, soul, and strength.

To love God with all your heart means to desire Him in every part of your life. The messy parts and the sorted parts. The Bible says we should guard our hearts. Many contenders fight for our hearts. To influence our desires. Example social media, ungodly relationships, lust for money, power and immorality.

Jesus is the only one who paid the price for your heart. He is the rightful owner, and it truly belongs to Him. Yet He waits for you to surrender it to Him willingly. Let us invite Him to be the core of every desire of our hearts. There is wisdom and safety in doing so.

To love the Lord with all your soul is the best decision you can make. Our souls signify our emotions and none other than Jesus deserves its care. Jesus on the cross took our shame and gave us honor. What a beautiful exchange. It will be well with our souls to love Him.

To love the Lord with all of our strength is to give Him your best first. Everyone has strengths in different areas. Some of us can sing, some are great administrators, some gifted in hospitality and others able entrepreneurs etc. Let us love the Lord with our strengths by using them for Him.

In loving Him with everything and obeying His commands we gain access to His blessing upon us. Today let us revel in His love for us causing us to draw closer to Him. Let us recommit our love to Him. He waits for it.


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