Worship and Praise


Psalm 100:2 “Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing.”

The sheer motive of Psalm 100 is about Praising and Giving thanks to God. This is a familiar Psalm by an unknown writer who is inviting God’s people to approach the Lord with gladness. A few biblical translations refer to Worship the Lord with gladness, while others refer as Serve the Lord with gladness. The distinction is, Worship is our response to honor God for who He is whereas Service is our expression of our response.

The psalmist exhorts us to serve the Lord with gladness. This indicates that there might be instances in which we serve God reluctantly, joylessly, unlovingly, under stress, weary, temperamentally, and so on. We ought to understand that despite these moments, there is pleasure in doing the will of God and serving Him. There is a sweetness to our communion with Him.

The classic example is David. The Bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart. How is David differentiated from others in the Bible? He did not lose his passion to commune with Him in his successes and setbacks, errors and corrections, which probably could be the easier thing for him to worship and praise Him at all times. In fact, the maximum worship and praise report came only from David.

Do you ever get discouraged in serving God to the point that you feel like quitting? Are you grumpy, or have you lost some of your satisfaction? Whenever we grumble about our circumstances, we are disputing the character of God and exalting ourselves above Him. Let us stop grumbling and pray for newer gratitude’s. Joyful singing will invite us to the very presence of God, enabling us to extol God like how David did.

When we love someone, honoring and praising them for what they do for us comes naturally.


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