Worship God With Your Work


Colossians 3:23 – And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men

Having a tough day at work? Your manager giving you a hard time? How do you react? Do you slack at work because you have got disinterested or do you continue to work diligently?

Is your teacher in school favoring another classmate instead of you? Do your marks show your disinterest in the subject or do you continue to work hard and give it your best?

The question we should ask ourselves is – “Who leads our behavior and actions?”. Is my behavior influenced by the individuals I work with or is it to glorify the name of my Lord Jesus Christ? The Bible teaches us to do everything to the best of our ability. To work diligently, conscientiously, giving it our all. We do not work for men, we work for our Living God and our behavior should emulate the teachings of our Lord. You may not have a teacher or your boss watching you work, but our God in Heaven watches you and knows your heart.

Dear Lord, let me glorify your name through my works. Help me to not be influenced by the people of this world but to work diligently bringing honor and Glory to your name. Amen.



  1. Hannah
    19 Feb 2020 05:08:46 Reply

    Rhema word…I work for God…and not for men..to please them…

  2. Ramakrishna
    19 Feb 2020 07:02:44 Reply

    Yes indeed let us do the Lord not for man. In words Collosians 17 says whatever you do in word or deed do it for the Lord. Because He watches over us. He’s extremely good. If I am teching in college I do it for the Lord, in His name. Let’s beahve and lead through actions. Word withoudt action doesn’t please Lord. So let’s all of us encourage, motivate to do the Lord Jesus. Because He is our joy and salvation. In Him there is strength and power. Praise the Lord give thanks to Him for His compassion and mercy .
    Heavenly Heavenly Father priase you worship adore you cling on to you for always. In mighty matchless name of Jesus I pray Amen.

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