Worship Him


Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. Psalm 100:4 (NIV)

This entire Psalm is a great song of praise and worship that declares the goodness and mercy of God to all the earth. He is faithful and true, and His mercy and grace extends to each nation of the world.

In the time of David, it was the worshippers of Israel who would pass through the gates of the city of Jerusalem and up to the Temple of the Lord, with songs of praise on their lips. We, the worshippers are expected to worship God by reaching out to His holy presence and offering our gift of thanksgiving by singing His praise. We can lift up our hands in thanksgiving and also kneel in humble submission to His will.

Psalm 100 exhorts us to shout joyfully to the Lord and serve Him with gladness. The Psalm motivates us to come before Him with joyful singing and remind ourselves that the Lord Himself made us, and not we ourselves. We are His people and He is our shepherd. His loving kindness is everlasting and His faithfulness endures throughout all generations.

As we declare His praises with joy, let us remember that He is faithful to us till the very end. He will not leave us mid-way. He is mindful of us. He will come closer to us as we raise our worship unto Him. Let us continue to offer our thanksgiving and praises to His holy name and ensure our lives are in submission to His word.


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