Worship In Truth and Spirit


The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. – John 4:23

The presence of the Lord Jesus in our lives is powerful. When we truly worship God from our hearts, His presence will enrich us.  Psalm 22:3 says God Inhabits in the praises of His people. God is certainly not interested in worship where we repeat meaningless words to Him. Some of us are parents. Imagine our children speaking to us in repetitive and by hearted sentences.It would be a very awkward conversation. As human parents, we understand that such a conversation is not a meaningful conversation. There is no truth in such a conversation with our child.

In the same way, God desires us to have real and honest conversations, in the form of prayer and worship. Let our prayers be words spoken from our hearts. Let us take our pain, sorrow, thoughts, desires, and plans to him just as a child would speak to a parent. Sometimes, we may not be able to speak openly to our human parents, but our Heavenly Father is waiting to hear from us.

Today, let us enter into His presence boldly as a child goes to a parent, and let us worship and reach out to Him from the bottom of our hearts in truth. Let our spirit reach out to Him. Then, the Holy Spirit will fill us and take us forward victoriously.



  1. Neena Macwan
    07 Aug 2021 07:06:23 Reply

    need a prayer for me and my family. going thru emotionally and psychological tough time. job problems. health problems. need prayers

    • Bethel Team
      07 Aug 2021 12:59:41 Reply

      Hi Neena,

      May the Lord’s healing hand stretch out towards you.Please reach out to the church office for prayer and counselling at 080-67537777.

  2. Rani
    07 Aug 2021 07:53:27 Reply

    It’s a great privilege given to us to express our pain ,sorrow, and thoughts in the form of prayer and worship….This makes us to be more confident and gives us assurance that we are chosen by our god…Thank you Pastor for tis…

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