
Psalm 95:1

Oh come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; and shout joyfully to Him with psalms.

This is a beautiful psalm that shows us the many forms of worshipping the Lord. The psalmist encourages us to sing with joy to the Lord. He then tells us to shout our loudest praises for the Lord is our salvation. Once we do that, we are ready to come before His presence. Yet, when we enter His presence we need to come with an attitude of gratitude for all that He has done. Finally, we lift our voices in praise and worship through the psalms.

What are you grateful to the Lord for today? It’s been a month already in the new year. With a grateful heart, let’s thank God for His faithfulness in this first month of this year. There is so much more to come, but we will rejoice knowing that He holds our future in His hands. We will build our lives on His Word so that we would be strongly rooted in this Rock. Let us thank our Lord Jesus Christ for laying down heaven for us so that we could experience heaven with Him. May we never take for granted the price He has paid for our Salvation.

Mahatma Gandhi was martyred because of his political beliefs. But Christ Jesus hung on that cross for you! So that you will not rot in your sin or be wasted in being bound to the wiles of life. He deserves and is worthy of your highest praise! Let us praise and worship Him with every breath and every ounce of our very being! For He is the Name above all names! His name is JESUS!!!


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